This site is written and produced by Russell Privett, it’s a space to help gather my thoughts, work in the open and share knowledge.
- Page design is a slight modification of the Almace Scaffolding theme (source) using the Jekyll static site generator
- I designed this in code from the theme by hacking at the CSS, but the logomark was created in Figma
- The font stack is simple system one:
- prefix: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont
- sans-serif: Helvetica Neue, Arial, sans-serif
- serif: Georgia, serif
- monospace: Menlo, Consolas, monospace
- Image editing likely to be done with Adobe stuff
- And proably captured on a Canon camera or more actually proably an iPhone with the Lightroom app or the Blackmagic camera app
- The code is stored in a GitHub repository and published with Vercel
- Code edited with Sublime Text
- Markdown posts edited with Obsidian
All posts are © Russell Privett, all rights reserved.